Chapter 2: About

I'm a guy that reviews games and sometimes other things instead of doing his homework. That's really all I can say.

OK, I can try a little better.

Inspired by the likes of the AVGN, Zero Punctuation, and Somecallmejohnny, I strive to review things in a humorous, text filled style in order to entertain and pass boatloads of time.

And MS-GRS stands for Game Review Site, and is a reference to MS-DOS.

The current schedule is to update every weekend. The schedule may change due to traveling, school, or just not having a review ready at that date, but if a review is in the works, it will be up as soon as possible, with the next one on the following weekend, if the forces of the world say so. Should an important update or something I just want out in the middle of the week come up, it will be posted through out the week.

And yes, the pages are listed in chapters, like an RPG, not a book though i think that RPGs end up doing like books so I think that's kinda pointless to mention.

And the name "The Silent Protagonist" is a reference to how quiet I am in real life. You wouldn't know that unless I told you since I type so bloody much.

The Silent Protagonist also puts these footnotes at the end of everything he posts. Feels it adds something, but he doesn't quite know what it is.


Name: The Silent Protagonist

Occupation: Student, Writer, Gamer, and Otaku

Likes: Games, Anime, Books, YouTube, Browsing the Web

Dislikes: Call of Duty, Stacker, Arrogant People, School Days

Tropes: The Quiet One, Bookworm, Headphones equal Isolation, Nerd

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