Sunday, June 29, 2014

MS-GRS 1 Year Anniversary!

June 29th of 2013 was a bit of a mundane day looking back. It was five days after the whole Game Grumps fiasco with Jontron leaving, and about 2 days after the announcement of Atlus' parent company Index Corporation was bankrupt and up for grabs. That day I went to a trade center looking for games and on the hunt for Silent Hill 3. I failed. Refusing to leave empty handed, I weighed my options between Fable 1 and the Metal Gear Saga Vol.2. The Metal Gear Saga won out. I went home, watched it, and was horribly disappointed. The plan to start reviewing stuff in the vein of Zero Punctuation and SomecallmeJonhhy had been on my mind for some time before that, but all it took was those three things to give me the push to go on my computer, head to this crazy place called Blogger, and start ranting on like a whiny 10 year old on the internet on something I called MS-GRS.

And so here we are one year later. Those who were okay with Danny on Game Grumps stuck around and things quickly returned to normal, Index Corporation was bought by Sega, which is probably what led to Persona 4 Dancing All Night, I still haven't touched the Metal Gear Saga besides moving it around to make room for other games and movies, and MS-GRS is still going on. It's kind of a strange feeling, reviewing games for a year now and barely making a dent in my collection. At least I know I won't be short on games to review, and every delay will be due to procrastination.

On a serious note, thank you to all of you who have actually taken time to read any of the stuff I put on here. I know that's probably not a lot of people, but it still means a lot to me that some people actually care about the dumb opinions I have on video games. Speaking of that, I defiantly plan on taking full advantage of the summer time this year, and am hoping to write a lot of stuff. I also plan on trying my hand off-screen to practice some other kinds of writing for stuff later in the year, so that will be interesting to say the least. And I also look forward to life getting in the way for multiple weeks at a time, but how about we try to keep that from happening again.

Thanks for one year of following me on MS-GRS, and here's to another year of reviews and delays!

The Silent Protagonist

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